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Poster at Evolution 2017:

I presented a poster at the international Evolution meeting held at Portland OR from June 23-27, 2017. The poster topic is from my dissertation research on characterizing the performance of species diversification models. For more information on the conference program, click here.


X lab (Cross-Disciplinary Laboratory)

HHMI funded undergrad lab, University of Florida, Department of Biology, 2017

I was instructor for the cross discplinary laboratory for two years. The lab coordinators for this HHMI funded program are Dr. David Jullian and Dr. Gabriela Waschewsky. X lab 1 (ISC2400L) and X lab 2 (ISC2401L)

Integrated Principles of Biology Laboratory

Undergraduate Lab, University of Florida, Department of Biology, 2017

Graduate Lab Instructor for BSC2010L
Lab coordinator: Dr. Kent Vliet I taught principles Fall 2014, Spring 2015 and Summer 2017.

Grad training

Graduate course, University of Florida, Department of Biology, 2019

I was the teaching assistant for Dr Matthew Liebold for principles of graduate training course(ZOO6927-291D). This is a training course for incoming first year biology graduate students. The course provides training for writing NSF style research proposal.


Undergraduate Lecture, University of Florida, Department of Biology, 2021

I have taught the Genetics lecture course(PCB3063) for five semesters.

Online Teaching

Undergraduate UF Online class, University of Florida, Department of Biology, 2022

List of online classes I have taught at UF with description:


My year in Review with Google Data Studio

1 minute read


As the year 2021 ends, I decided to post some example of data visualization dashboards. I have been enjoying learning more about data visualization tools and decided to post sample dashboards for users to customize. I intend on keep learning more and sharing my dashboards experiences next year.




List of grad level courses taken at UF during Ph.D.